Communists are cagey people. They have no principles, scruples or honesty. They will agree with you, walk a way down the road with you, pat you on the back for your efforts and never for minute lose sight of their ball--Communism!

I have a good mad-on today for a fellow who is looking at the United States through red-tinted glasses. Henry Wallace is not a Communist. He's worse. For Henry is in the ridiculous position of running for the highest office in a democratic country, but is strolling down the road with the very people who will destroy him if he gets there.

Mr. Wallace has taken a healthy swing at the aircraft industry. He wants to socialize it. Honest-to-goodness, Henry, I think you've been converting some of that tall Iowa corn into liquid and loading up with it!

Tall-Corn Wallace has charged the industry with making huge profits out of the past war. He feels that the government should take over this industry and operate it without profit during future wars. (One of the little things that makes me wonder is that Henry says the Russians won't fight, so what's he worrying about?)


Great shades of the WPB! Can't you just see these modern aircraft factories all snafued in government red-tap, operated by a bumbling bureaucrat, of whom Henry is a fine example, busily engaged in compiling tons and tons of blanks, forms and questionnaires. but Henry, do you really think we would get any airplanes out the other end of the factory?

I don't either, Hank, and wouldn't that be easy-picking for your fellow-traveling Commies?

There isn't a silver-spoon to be found among the present-day aircraft big-wigs. Look them over, Mr. Wallace, examine Bell, Martin, Douglass and the other American airplane builders. Henry, those fellows were building baling-wire airplanes in barn lofts, without money and without government dictation back in the days when you were just a farmer out in Iowa.

During the last war, private enterprise and individual initiative in the form of these ordinary American business men, developed the biggest aircraft industry in the world. They started almost from scratch and produced the planes that whipped Hitler, crushed Mussolini and annihilated the Japanese.

Mr. Wallace, they saved the bacon of these Red friends of yours, too, when their totalitarian, socialistic and Communistic factories could not do the job.

Since the war, these same businessmen have lost millions of dollars, maintaining unused manufacturing space, keeping the rust off the plant facilities to build airplanes just because they could see that Uncle Sam was going to need them again someday--and need them quickly!

Oh yes, Henry, we know that government control and socialism isn't Communism. But it is a step in the direction of Communism. That, Henry, is why these fellows are walking down the road with you waving your banner today. Tomorrow they'll have your head on the end of a pole, waving that.

Let me drag a red herring across the trail of the airplane plants. Let's take your hybrid corn business, Henry, which makes the money that enables you to travel about the country shooting-off your trap about other business men. Yes, take a bushel of that seed corn and YOU take it to Russia.

Beg busy, Henry. Work hard. Till the soil. churn it up and plant your corn in good old Communistic Russia. Cultivate it, Henry, and keep the weeds down. Grow some of that good, tall, Iowa corn, Henry, but grow it in Russia. It will come up sturdy and heavy laden, just like it does in America. Then, Hank, you go out and seat and husk the stuff, load it up and haul it into town.

But when you get there, Henry it won't be your corn anymore. It will belong to Joe Stalin and his lying, thieving, conniving bunch of bandits. that's all there is to the story, Henry. You can say it all in one sentence: "Under Communism or socialism, it AIN'T YOUR CORN after you work for it!

Warsaw Daily Times Mon. Apr. 12, 1948

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